All of my content is free and without advertising. Any donations are greatly appreciated! If you feel like giving back to this channel, you can either donate Monero to my xmrchat or you can donate to me directly. Thank you!
XMR Chat#
This service is a Monero-only superchat platform. Every Monday, during my recording of Anti Moonboy News, I read off the superchats and react to them. You can send me questions, shower me with compliments, or troll me. Above everything else, you can etch yourself into the history books as a direct contributor to my podcast! If this interests you, go to and send a donation.
Private Address#
Alternatively, you can send a donation to my personal wallet for Anti Moonboy. This address is in the description box for all my Youtube videos, and is featured in my witter bio. I check this one every so often, so if you want to ping me about a donation you had sent, or if you have something you want to say privately, you can email me at Check out my contact page for my up-to-date PGP key.
My XMR address is: